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Lion's Gate Portal Mystery School Freebie!

A gift of INSPIRATION for all of YOU, my dear readers.

In honor of the very magical day of 08-08-2024

Numerology makes this an 8 year (2+2+4=8)

The Cosmic Portal is OPEN!1


The Artist in the Wild Mystery School is the paid premium membership side of this blog, where you can get a peek behind the curtain and learn the esoteric artistic process that I have been cultivating my entire life. Not exaggerating.

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On any other day, you wouldn’t even know that this post was going out, unless you were a member! But today is an astrologically (and therefore, magically) powerful day, so I wanted to make an offering and gift to all of you, for being here. I wouldn’t and couldn’t do what I do without you. Thank you.

This video is an update on my research on the medieval mystical visionary artist, composer and healer, Saint Hildegard Von Bingen, Check back a few posts if you missed the background on this project. She’s an absolutely FASCINATING example of High Magical Creativity at its best. I decided to work on a show about her— probably a puppet show. I’m in the research phase and I’m finding out all these little JUICY tidbits out about her.

Hildegard was a colorful central figure during a renaissance in medieval times! Circa 1200s. She toured with her music and lectures all over the Rhineland, which was a hub of international travel due to the merchant ships that would pass through this area. News of her artistry spread far and wide. Many women became Benedictine nuns in order to study under her and her weekly musical services were totally unique— she was the first one making this kind of music, anywhere.

She is actually recognized as a saint by the Catholic Church, with whom she had many disputes with during her day. Her work is a gold mine of inspiration and practical information. I’m really enjoying getting to know her even better through this project.

Enjoy your Lion’s Gate vibes and the video— RAWR!

Here are all the links I mentioned below.

Ever squeezing the juice,


The Hil-grimage Pilgrimage!

Here’s a map of the Hildegard pilgrimage I mentioned— shout out to my Austrian friend, ULI!!!! Uli— let’s go do this!!!

Medieval Psychic Hotline

Here’s an excerpt found on Wikipedia about how Hildegard herself described her psychic gifts…

From my early childhood, before my bones, nerves, and veins were fully strengthened, I have always seen this vision in my soul, even to the present time when I am more than seventy years old. In this vision, my soul, as God would have it, rises up high into the vault of heaven and into the changing sky and spreads itself out among different peoples, although they are far away from me in distant lands and places. And because I see them this way in my soul, I observe them in accord with the shifting of clouds and other created things. I do not hear them with my outward ears, nor do I perceive them by the thoughts of my own heart or by any combination of my five senses, but in my soul alone, while my outward eyes are open. So I have never fallen prey to ecstasy in the visions, but I see them wide awake, day and night. And I am constantly fettered by sickness, and often in the grip of pain so intense that it threatens to kill me, but God has sustained me until now. The light which I see thus is not spatial, but it is far, far brighter than a cloud which carries the sun. I can measure neither height, nor length, nor breadth in it; and I call it "the reflection of the living Light." And as the sun, the moon, and the stars appear in water, so writings, sermons, virtues, and certain human actions take form for me and gleam.[14]

Taken from a letter to Guibert of Gembloux, which she wrote at the age of 77

Like Tolkien…There’s Also A Whole Other Language

Here’s the link to the esoteric explanation of the secret language Hildegard channeled. This is from a very informative and nerdy esoteric channel I like.

Sorry I’m late,

I was playing with Orbs.

And here’s the Créme de la Créme…

This is an artist’s talk about light Orbs in Hildegard’s work and his own— by Leigh McCloskey. This video is out of this world! So many completely bonkers things are explained beautifully.

Check out his other videos on his website with the beard to see why I refer to him as The Most Interesting Man In The World. And check out his tarot deck too—it’s beautiful!

Thank you for reading Artist in the Wild. This post is public so feel free to share it.



Incidentally, that is also what I call the space between my legs! Hahaha!

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