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Episode 2 -- Repairing An Antique House

After a small Mercury Rx flavored delay, here's the next installment!

Howdy Kumquats!

Given the present Mercury retrograde situation, I am not surprised that it took me so long to get this out to you. As I mentioned, I’m attempting to re-launch my documentary series about living an artist life…the creative life.

My whole life is my project and I fell into the trap of WAITING for something to change (ie: my life to become more stable) before jumping in and cobbling together the 1.0 version of an old idea I’ve been carrying around with me.

The 1.0 prototyping process is one I use for MOST of my projects. It requires setting aside perfectionism and humbly using whatever tools and materials are available, which are not always what you prefer.

But as we know, people in hell prefer ice water, too.

Preference is one thing.

Attachment, avoidance or aversion are another.

So, I’m just showing up and meeting each challenge with an open heart.

As of Episode 2, these are the challenges:

  • I didn’t bring an external hard drive with me to Baltimore this summer and am running out of storage on my vintage Macbook. This slows me down a lot.

  • I discovered that 1 of the 2 iphones I was using to record with has a broken microphone— so the sound got garbled. It’s just unprofesh and annoying.

  • I wish I could just wear a Go Pro instead of dragging around a phone on a tripod.

  • I am struggling with the music rights things— I always listen to music, so it’s annoying not to when I’m working.

  • I spent the better part of 2 days trying to upload a 45 minute episode, before giving up and re-cutting into 2.5 episodes. I wasn’t sure if it was getting bogged down on Substack’s end or on mine…but shorter episodes make more sense for now.

The reason I do these fast-loose-wild 1.0 prototypes is because bringing the formless idea into form means that it will be subjected to all kinds of forces that are beyond my control. We want to protect our little baby ideas and not subject them to the harsh criticism of refinement just yet. But if you can get it out there to a small, loving audience, we have the opportunity to let the creation stretch, contract, and ooze in its natural direction. It can evolve organically.

Yes I hatched the thing, but it’s going to take on a life of its own. Now I’m along for the ride and trying to guide it to be the best it can be.

It’s important to protect what is still in the lunar stage from the full rays of the sun. Which is why I’m here and not on YouTube also. How many times have I been misunderstood out there in the open waters? Too many to count.

I’m just a mystical mermaid with her compass set to fun, trying to bring more folks along for the adventure.

So, I’m counting on YOU, my dear Artist in the Wild readers, to be that soft landing pad for my fledgling ideas and to realize that it is an act of courage and vulnerability for me to share the early stages with you.

Enjoy Episode 2, Kumquats!

Give it a like, share or comment too. I am working pretty hard over here to make the world a better place with my creativity— and you get a front row seat!

Lucky you.

I will have Episode 3 out shortly…

XOX, Trixie

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