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Episode 3-- Weird Treasures

Hot on the heels of yesterday's release.....I'm back today to stick a finger in the The Mystery sauce!

Are you looking UP?

It’s come to my attention that some of my readers haven’t realized that there are full video hang out sessions / episodes of my documentary series RIGHT AT THE TOP OF THIS EMAIL. That image you see above the alien with the orb is an entire video that you can watch right now.

While speaking with a friend last night, I also realized that using the Substack platform (which is what I send these emails through) might require you to make a new pattern or habit in regard to how you digest your edutainment. Which is also what we’re being asked to do in a million trillion ways as we attempt to unplug from the technocratic control program and reconnect our battered souls back to Nature, Gaia, the Cosmos, our hearts, each other and to Source itself.

No big deal. LOL.

Just kidding. It’s huge. We’re doing it. It’s what we incarnated into bodies for in this lifetime. So, we might as well have FUN along the way! If you are reading this, you are part of this mission.

Back the new habits— I realize that you receive this via your email inbox and are probably sitting down to “be productive” or to work— not to trip out for 20 minutes on my shenanigans. But my shenanigans are important…they are the medicine I bring to the world.

So, what that means is that you’re going to need to—-

  1. Resign yourself to having more fun and watch my videos whenever you first see them….OR

  2. Remind yourself at the end of the evening or when you’re poking around for something fun to watch to GO BACK TO YOUR INBOX….OR

  3. Start making a regular pit stop over on Substack to see what’s new. If you haven’t been there, it’s really great— so many thoughtful writers talking with honesty and integrity about the fuckery and the repair work.

We’re all stretching ourselves in new ways and let this be one of them. Stretch your synapses to meet me in The Mystery, where we can have a play, a laugh or a think…or just savor the beauty of this crazy ol’ world!

And with that…I leave you to watch Episode 3, titled Weird Treasures.

Enjoy all the LOVE I put into this!



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