Time To Make The Lemonade!
Mercury retrogrades may confound the muggles, but everything is always an opportunity, with the right perspective.
Time To Make The Lemonade!
Mercury just entered the final retrograde of 2024
Well, here we are again. Did you feel things shift? Did you have a niggling problem blow up into an undeniable mess that does not seem to have easy or obvious solutions over the weekend? Don’t worry. It’s not just happening to you.
Mercury’s taking his foot off the gas pedal and throwing life in reverse for the next 3 weeks as we enter another retrograde cycle.
As someone who not only believes in astrology but actively uses it to re-enchant the world and stay in rhythm with the cycles of nature, the sky, the earth and life— I do get tired of muggles bitching that Mercury is always in retrograde.
Firstly, three 3-week transits per year is hardly ALL the time. That’s 9 weeks out of 52.
Secondly, we are blessed to receive a few breaks from Mercury, who is the fastest moving planet in the star system, orbiting the Sun in only 88 days, compared to our 365 on Earth. Mercury is the god of communication, writing, technology, commerce, transactions— Mercury greases the wheels of our entire society, every community we are part of, and every interaction with others that we have.
Thirdly, our culture forgot how to interact with the gods and goddesses. We have a very crude understanding of who or what they are, how they were woven into everyday life in the past or how we can bring them back into circulation in the present.
The thing about the gods is that they are more like us than angels. Angels are pure light and unconditional love, no shadow or judgement. Gods and goddesses, however, are both light and shadow, they make mistakes, they get into power struggles with each other, they show off sometimes, they have great appetites, petty fights and sordid pasts— all of this resulting in amazing stories! We call these myths and act like they are also fiction….further eroding our own culture and history when we do that. But stories also have their own energy and life— they live and breathe in their own way.
The thing is, everything is always evolving in the Universe. Nature, animals, trees, plants, rocks— gods included. And Source, the OG God, is also evolving too.
Gods can only interact with us on the imaginal plane1. Does that make them not real? A figment of the imagination? Depends on your perspective.
If you take a muggle materialist view of the world— our imagination is useless child’s play. If you can’t turn into a commodity or franchise it, does it even exist in the materialist model of thinking?
In our current fallen state of density, we lost our muscles of perception. It’s not that the gods (or faeries or dragons or mermaids, for that matter) were a made up fiction that passed out of fashion when humanity got “enlightened” to how the world really works. They stayed where they are. We are the ones who have been fading into extinction.
Our imagination is the collective cosmic soup, it’s the dream sauce, that we all feast on when we are dreaming the world into reality.
It’s not only important to feed your imagination, but essential.
I keep saying this, no one believes me, and I guess I’ll just spend this whole lifetime beating this drum….fine…so be it—
We are here in these bodies, on this planet, to CREATE and we do that through PLAY.
How do we accomplish that?
Our imagination.
So, there are many beings that can only interact with us on the edges of what we consider “reality” because our consciousness fell below a certain point of perception. Those of us who are actively attempting to revive and strengthen these muscles of perception also know that when we slip into fear, worry and dread we can no longer access the imaginal.
Of course, the controllers of our world have kept us traumatized, triggered and fighting with each other for their own personal gain for centuries. To pull your vibration up and out of the program of control is no small feat. For me, it has meant not participating in a lot of things— social media being one of them. I have had to make hard choices between comfort and security, between fake feelings of belonging and toxic relationships or solitude. Not easy choices to make, believe me.
But I no longer enjoy fear porn. I no longer get off on outrage. It’s not fun for me to get self-righteously worked up and blame others for everything. It’s boring, stale and confining.
I am growing up and enlightening up.
So, I don’t make decisions motivated by fear anymore. I prioritize peace of mind and clarity in my heart. I do what it takes to get there— and stay in that state as long as possible. This is what’s referred to as staying in a high vibration. Love is the highest state of being, it’s the most elevated emotion and it’s the gas in the engine of the Universe, really and truly, despite all appearances to the contrary.
Another interesting insight that came across my radar recently2 is that being too serious about anything lowers our vibration.
Think about it for a minute.
Like when you sit down at your desk and you’re like— “OK, time to get SERIOUS.” You’re narrowing your field of vision. Tunneling your vision even, in order to limit the distractions. But it also limits the possibilities.
When we take life too seriously, we can trick ourselves into thinking we are right. When in reality, there are many ways of seeing and being that work for different people and different situations. We don’t know as much as we think we do.
When we are too serious, we shut down our receptivity.
The spirit world, angels, ancestors, ascended masters and many other higher dimensional (and vibrational) beings— all have a great sense of humor. They don’t take things too seriously. This is why laughter is always the best medicine— because our nervous systems relax when we laugh. You have to be receptive to laugh.
Spiritual teachings tell us over and over that this life is more like a play than not because we agreed to come here. Our souls chose to lower our vibration and compress our light in order to have the experience of rediscovering our power all over again. When we are our immaterial spirit selves— there is no friction, which means no growth. We actually all crave diverse experiences and ways of knowing ourselves. And through our experiences, Source is able to experience itself as well.
We are each playing our parts in this cosmic play, even the villains are there to trigger our growth and test our maturity. If you choose to use the precious resource of your ATTENTION on the villains, you grow them. So, be careful where you place your focus.
As always, retrogrades are merely an opportunity disguised as inconvenience. We could think of retrogrades as being akin to fasting— without food (which we take for granted constantly) we give ourselves time to clean out our system and we discover a much deeper appreciation for food when do eat again.
Take the medicine. Yes, we have messes to clean and foundations to sure up. Yes, people are confusing and are going to piss us off. We are going to have unpleasant feelings as a by-product, but don’t hold onto them. Put them somewhere constructive, that doesn’t harm others. Stay light and find the humor. It’s all part of this experience that we chose to have, so enjoy the ride.
I’ll be back soon with a new Artist in the Wild episode.
If you haven’t already, please go over to my YouTube channel and subscribe. Ya’ll know that I’m growing my channel without the use of social media. That means, I’m counting on you to show up and spread the word! Help your gal out!
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Love, Trixie
Gordon White of Rune Soup discusses this idea at length in a recent interview on Higherside Chats podcast.
This was a beautiful insight from a channeled message from the goddess Quan Yin that I watched on the Metatron is Speaking channel on YouTube.