Jul 9·edited Jul 9Liked by Beatrix (Trixie) Burneston

Speaking of gifts from the universe... I've been slow to mow my back yard, with hot weather and some health problems. Last week, without warning, somebody started mowing the back yard. At first I thought it was a neighbor or the city, so I was feeling guilty. After she finished I went out, handed her $60, and thanked her for doing the job. Turns out, she wasn't working for a neighbor or the city; she was supposed to mow a different house and misread the number. She was surprised when I came out of the house because she thought the place was vacant and ready to be sold. So I was happy to get a mowed yard, and she was happy to be paid for an otherwise wasted mistake.

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Huzzah!!! Thats’s a great story! Maybe the magic is coming back!!

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