Sep 17Liked by Beatrix (Trixie) Burneston

Your grandmother sounds wonderful. Hats off to a happy, fulfilling life.

But life is not only full of contradictions and opportunities to love and hate, it's also full of real-world consequences and existential dilemmas. The people of Gaza didn't CHOOSE to be born into catastrophe. Neither did the people of Ukraine. Or Sudan. Or on and on and on and on and on.

Life isn't just a matter of being born under the "right" stars or "choosing." Life is good for many of us -- because we're damn lucky -- and a total disaster for others -- all by sheer accident of birth. I'm 67 and healthy because I was lucky enough to be born and raised when and where and how I was. I'm grateful for that. I don't pretend it was all my doing.

And the consequences of voting or not voting for a violent sociopath are real.

In the meantime, the Kiffness is the best medicine of all:


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Well...I used to think like this and now I just see things differently. By your logic lots of peole are to BLAME for things, including me if I do or don't vote the way you want me to. I'm not doing that story. It's boring. It didn't work and it has kept us stuck in this pattern that I want out of. No, we don't get to control everything that happens to our souls and we do have free will, which means we can hide from our soul purpose and choose to stay in fucked up situations all we want. We all have choice. And to ACTUALLY change the world and make it more loving is my mission. The better world will not be found in the black and white, right and wrong, victim and persecutor story. It's several octaves above.

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Sep 17Liked by Beatrix (Trixie) Burneston

Aw this was so great <3

I actually see your resemblance a lot in the first pic of your grandfather as a young man - but I definitely see your personality in the description of your grandma.

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Very perceptive!! We all look a lot like him-- but with our grandmother's dimples!

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